Mischievous Company
Executed in 2020/2021, Mischievous Company is a collection of work based on the characters and personalities of the forms within the paintings-- sprung to life on canvas and paper. Through flattened form, exaggerated shape, and clarified color-- the anthropomorphized plants, fruits, and urns are born & mature before your eyes.
Utilizing a graphic style, hyperbolic scale and distortion of motif, the artist Kate Roebuck helps the viewer realize these distinctive personalities and you begin to see that they are here to tell you what they have been up to and they have a lot to say.
Kate Roebuck is a multimedia artist whose work is best described as witty, unconventional, and rhythmic, chasing the elusive balance of playfulness and precision. Influenced by her background in textile design, artist Kate Roebuck finds inspiration in form, pattern, color, and texture. Distilling various botanical forms into simplified shapes, Kate’s ink drawings have a playful, pictographic tone. Her linework contains an organic fluctuation, offering a mischievous interplay between the handmade and the naturally occurring. Exploring these classical themes, she seeks to create open-ended visual dialogue and to shed light on the ever-evolving relationship of the creator and the created. Drawing from nature and everyday life, Kate’s work is both bold and quirky, an interpretation undoubtedly all her own.